Hacked Off are looking to appoint an Executive Director


Hacked Off campaigned for the Leveson Inquiry and, since Part One reported nearly seven years ago, for implementation of its recommendations for more effective and independent self-regulation of the press.Some of the successes of that period include establishment of the Inquiry itself, the full consultation with victims on its Terms of Reference, the promises made by party leaders to victims of press abuse, establishment of the Royal Charter and Press Recognition Panel, the enactment of reforms to protect journalists and freedom of expression, retention of “no win no fee” agreements for victims of illegal press abuse, and more besides.But there remains much more to be done.The current Government have conspired with newspaper executives and editors to frustrate the will of Parliament and break the promises made to victims of press abuse. Individuals are still suffering from press abuse every year. The body which the press itself has established, IPSO, is virtually unchanged from its discredited predecessor, the PCC. The need for the Campaign to exist is stronger now than ever before.Hacked Off has evolved since its establishment, and over the last three years employed a Joint-Executive leadership model with a focus on Parliamentary affairs.During that time the Campaign has become much broader, and will need to continue to operate across a number of different fronts. As well as continuing to campaign in Parliament with renewed energy over the coming years, we will also be offering more support to individuals affected by press abuse, and engaging in more public campaigning and awareness-raising about the inadequacies of the current system.To these ends, the Campaign is seeking an Executive Director.Hacked Off is welcoming applications from all who meet the job criteria for the new post. Please consider applying or sharing with friends and colleagues. More detail here.

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Queries: campaign@hackinginquiry.org

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