
Free and Fearless: an essential guide to new free speech investigations


*CORRECTION: Our recent publication Free and Fearless stated on page 10 that The Canary was among the independent news publications to have joined IMPRESS, the independent press regulator. However this was a regrettable error, based on mistaken identity, which was introduced by Hacked Off during subbing and not picked up before publication. We understand that the Canary is not a member of IMPRESS and has not claimed to be. We are happy to publish this prominent correction and will enclose a correction in future copies of Free and Fearless. Click here for Free and Fearless: an essential guide to new free speech investigationsThis new publication brings together editors, investigative journalists and victims of press abuse who support the Leveson system because of the new free speech protections it will introduce to British journalism. Amongst the contributions:

  • Joan Smith explains how Jimmy Saville fended off journalists for years with threats of libel action – a situation that could be ended by a stroke of the pen, if the Prime Minister and his Culture Secretary commenced the access to justice & free speech protection legislation (section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act) as per the historic cross-party agreement on press regulation.
  • Canary Editor Kerry-Anne Mendoza explains how her media outlet’s new business model is paying British journalists fairly and investing in a new Investigative Journalism Fund, and how her outlet will benefit from the new free speech protections that could end decades of chilling, and...
  • Alastair Morgan, brother of Daniel Morgan whose murder is the “most investigated in British history”, explains that he only accepted a Panel into his brother’s death with no judicial powers, on the understanding that Leveson Part 2 – which will have judicial powers – would always be the backstop.

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