Press Release

Hacked Off comment: Hugh Grant settles high court claim against The Sun publisher


Hacked Off CEO Nathan Jones-Sparkes said,

“The allegations of burglaries and theft which formed Mr Grant’s claim are devastating. Yet again, rather than see them tested in court, News UK have done everything to avoid facing accountability. In a general election year, this should be a warning to politicians. For decades the endorsement of Murdoch's papers has been seen as an electoral prize, with politicians going to huge lengths to secure his support. Increasingly, that support is looking like an electoral liability with unregulated newspapers desperate to avoid court scrutiny over very serious allegations, and ordinary people left vulnerable to their abuses of power. If we ever discover that the same kinds of illegality and abuses took place at the Sun as the The News of the World, politicians who sought to ingratiate themselves with the Murdoch papers may come to regret their association”.


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