Hacked Off responds: Harry and Meghan step down as senior members of the Royal family


Commenting, Hacked Off Campaign Officer Hannah Mian said,

“The Duke and in particular the Duchess of Sussex have been subjected to sustained abuse by the UK media. They have a right to basic standards of privacy and for reporting about them to reflect the truth yet elements of the press have callously disregarded these rights in pursuit of sensational headlines. "For too long the Royals have been expected to put up with whatever racist, false or otherwise abusive coverage comes their way, with concerns about the standards and fairness of Royal reporting dismissed as akin to complaining about the weather. In refusing to accept this abusive reporting as an inevitability of the role, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shown that there is another way. Our media is a powerful political force and for the sake of our democracy, it must be held accountable. Journalism should portray reality and inform citizens of the truth. The Leveson inquiry was established in 2011 because the public were outraged by press behaviour. The experience of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and of so many other victims of press abuse, prove that nothing has changed. As long as the Government fails to implement the Leveson recommendations, these scandals and abuses will repeat, and the Government’s do-nothing policy will become increasingly untenable”

Natalie Fenton, Professor of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths and Chair of the Media Reform Coalition said:

"Whatever your views of the Royal family, the Harry and Meghan story reveals how destructive press invasions of privacy are and just how damaging media lies and distortions can be. Until we have a press that is properly regulated they will continue to get away with running roughshod over peoples lives all for the sake of a few extra sales. This is not a press acting in the public interest, it is a press hell bent on increasing profit whatever the consequences for the people involved."

ENDSFor press enquiries contact: sara@hackinginquiry.org 07554 665 940NOTESHacked Off is the campaign for a free and accountable press, and we work with the victims of press abuse to achieve those aims.

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