HACKED OFF: Reports of Government plans to repeal Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013


Commenting on reports that the Government will seek to repeal section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 this year, a part of the Leveson framework for press regulation, Hacked Off Chief Executive Nathan Sparkes said,

The Government’s plan to attack the Leveson framework of press regulation fewer than 24 months out from a General Election must be recognised for what it is: a gift to the national press from a government desperate to secure favourable coverage for itself without a care for the interests of the public.Section 40 was designed to shield regulated newspapers from costly lawsuits brought by the rich and the powerful, it is the only way to guarantee the freedom and accountability of the press, and it would put an end to wealthy oligarchs seeking to silence critical reporting with meritless legal claims.An attempt to repeal it would be an assault on the freedom of independent newspapers, a sop to the SLAPP-ers, and show total disregard to the victims of press abuse as well as the wider public.


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