Hacked Off launches videogame about technology and journalists


Dan Hett, brother of Martyn Hett who was tragically killed at the Manchester Arena Attack in 2017, has created a videogame based on his own experiences of press intrusion to offer a glimpse into what it’s like.Within hours of the attack, Dan and his family were inundated with requests for comments and interviews whilst they waited for news about Martyn. His young sister heard first from a journalist on the doorstep that her brother had died.The videogame, ‘Sorry To Bother You’, asks the player to navigate through dozens of phone messages after a tragedy.

Hacked Off’s Campaign Manager Hannah Mian said:

“Anyone can find themselves at the centre of unwanted media attention - stressed, often traumatised and facing relentless pursuit by journalists. Far too often, as the Leveson Inquiry found, journalists go to extreme lengths in the pursuit of a story – invading peoples’ privacy and compounding the anguish of grieving families. “Under the so-called regulator, IPSO, there is no real protection and no adequate recourse for victims of press abuse. This kind of harm is avoidable without hindering important journalism which informs the public and holds power to account. “Hacked Off work closely with victims, who need help after being subjected to further trauma by intrusive reporters. “It can be difficult to fully understand what it is like to be inundated by the press while you’re at the centre of a personal tragedy. This game gives you a glimpse into the kind of press abuse experienced in the aftermath of tragedy. It could happen to any of us.”

ENDSFor press enquiries contact: sara@hackinginquiry.org 07554 665 940NOTESHacked Off is the campaign for a free and accountable press, and we work with the victims of press abuse to achieve those aims.Link to game: https://hackinginquiry.org/sorry-to-bother-you/

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