
Barristers challenge application for scrutiny of Operation Motorman files


An application made at the Leveson Inquiry to scrutinise information relating to Operation Motorman has been challenged today.On Tuesday, David Sherborne, barrister for the core participant victims in the inquiry, asked Lord Justice Leveson to consider examining which journalists used private investigator Steve Whittamore to gain information illegally, and whether data had been retained and was still being used by newspapers.Desmond Browne QC, acting for Mirror Group Newspapers, called the task "impossibly burdensome" and said it did not address the terms of the inquiry. The opposition was echoed by Antony White QC, for News International - who said it would require a "disproportionate effort" - and Jonathan Caplan QC for Associated Newspapers.White QC also requested he be allowed to make an opening statement on behalf of News International, following opening remarks for module 3 made yesterday by inquiry counsel Robert Jay QC.Lord Justice Leveson is expected to make a decision on the application in a few days.

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