
Telegraph Media Group chairman exchanged texts with Prime Minister, Leveson hears


The chairman of the Telegraph Media Group exchanged text messages with David Cameron, the Leveson Inquiry has heard.Junior inquiry counsel David Barr read out this afternoon a series of messages from Aidan Barclay to the Prime Minister.They included a suggestion that Cameron contact editor Tony Gallagher daily during the 2010 election, and Barclay’s views on economic policy.One said: “David, did you ring me, I’ve had a missed call from your mobile no. Aidan.”Barclay told the inquiry: “There hasn’t been a lot of them over time. I like to think it’s more useful because it goes directly to the recipient rather than getting lost in the system... could I have equally sent an email? Probably.”The chairman, son of Sir David Barclay who owns TMG with his brother Sir Fred Barclay, described his relationship with the Prime Minister as “friendly and cordial”. He admitted discussing Rupert Murdoch’s proposed BSkyB takeover bid with Cameron at an informal dinner but said after giving his views, the conversation moved on.Barr referred to a handwritten note from TMG chief executive Murdoch MacLennan, sent before the general election, telling Cameron "we desperately want there to be a Conservative government and you as Prime Minister".Barclay agreed his newspapers were conservative "with a small c and a big C" as suggested by Barr during questioning.He said he often sent articles on economics to senior politicians, including Gordon Brown during his time at Number 10, as they do not always have time to read newspapers.Asked about regulation, he said: “Layer on top of layer it does have a cumulative effect and I am concerned that we do not go too far with the regulatory proposals…The media industry employs about 250,000 people in this country and those who transgress are a minority.”The inquiry also heard from Evgeny Lebedev, who manages UK media operations of Lebedev Holdings Ltd, owner of the Evening Standard, the Independent and Independent on Sunday, for media tycoon father Alexander Lebedev.Lebedev said he championed “world class journalism” and revealed he has spent £75 million funding the Standard and the Independent titles.He urged Lord Justice Leveson to protect freedom of the press when considering possibilities for future regulation.He said: “If there is a creation of a system where everything is so regulated that you have to think twice about everything you do in life... it creates that tyranny of consensus I was talking about.”He later added: “It’s a really expensive element of British democracy that needs to be protected at any cost.”Lebedev said he would not oppose a statutory backstop for regulation if it ensured all newspaper groups were included in a regulatory system.He said he often offers stories he has written to his newspapers, but puts editors under no obligation to publish them, and hinted to the inquiry that while his interest in politics was the result of “curiosity”, other proprietors attempt to exert influence over politicians.He added: “I enjoy finding out what is happening in each different party, discovering new political talent and discussing the latest developments in Westminster and beyond... I think it's unfeasible to erect Chinese Walls between proprietors and newspapers.”

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