
The end of 300 years of press freedom? Pull the other one : Jo Brand delivers Hacked Off's Third Annual Leveson Lecture


We are very happy to announce that this year the Annual Leveson Lecture will be delivered by none other than Jo Brand.Her lecture promises to be an irreverent, poignant and rousing tour de force of British press antics.Please join us at the lecture on 1st December at 7pm in Logan Hall at the Insitute of Education in London.Tickets are available here.

For the chance to WIN TWO TICKETS TO DINNER WITH JO BRAND AND NICK DAVIES after Jo's lecture please book your ticket by 5PM THIS FRIDAY. Every ticket brought will be entered into a draw and the winner will be picked at random. If you win the prize, you will be contacted in advance of the lecture. Those who have already bought a ticket will be in the draw. The more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win (it is per ticket, not per purchaser)!

Also, anyone who attends the event and makes a further donation of £10 on the night will have the chance of win TWO PRECIOUS VIP TICKETS to the UK PREMIERE AND PARTY for 'Florence Foster Jenkins’ - a new film starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. (It is likely to be next Spring).

Tickets are available here.

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