Labour, Green and Lib Dem manifestos pave the way for pro-Leveson Parliament with commitments to press accountability


Labour today promised that if it wins next month's election, it would take action on press misconduct and Leveson Part Two. This promise follows on from the Greens and Liberal Democrats who both made commitments to implement the Leveson recommendations and complete Part Two of the Inquiry.Rose Hayden, Victim Liaison, Hacked Off said:

 “When Part one of the Leveson Inquiry reported, victims of press abuse were given commitments by party leaders to implement its recommendations and complete Part Two of the Inquiry. After victims wrote to the Prime Minister, Mr Corbyn, Ms Swinson, and other party leaders last week*, the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green Parties have undertaken to stand by those commitments in their General Election manifestos. The breath of support for implementation of the Leveson system across the political spectrum at this election shows that the press barons’ grip on our politics is loosening: politicians are more confident than ever to stand up to newspaper executives and commit to protecting ordinary people from press bullying, intrusion and abuse. In practical terms, the commitments which appear in these manifestos may pave the way for a pro-Leveson majority Parliament after this election. Soon the Conservative Party manifesto will be published and we will know whether the Prime Minister is also prepared to keep his party’s promises and stand up for ordinary people who have suffered abuse and cruelty at the hands of the press or if he, like his predecessor, capitulates to newspaper pressure in the hope of retaining favourable coverage.” 

* Read the letter from victims of press abuse to party leaders here: press enquiries contact: 07554 665 940

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