Mail on Sunday journalist could lose lobby pass: "Sexism in the press is a cultural problem which cannot be addressed by confiscating the lobby pass of an individual journalist"


Responding to the Mail on Sunday's coverage of Angela Rayner MP, and subsequent threats to remove the author's Parliamentary lobby pass, Hacked Off Board Director Emma Jones said,

Sexism in the press is a cultural problem which cannot be addressed by confiscating the lobby pass of an individual journalist. Decisions to publish - and profit from - odiously misogynistic articles like the Mail on Sunday piece targeting Angela Rayner MP are made at an editorial level, and the newspaper must be held corporately accountable for what it prints.The only way the public will benefit from lasting and meaningful change in the industry is through press membership of an independent regulator, such as IMPRESS – the UK’s only independent press regulator, which has standards to protect women in public life from misogyny.Isolated sanctions against individuals are not the answer when what is so desperately needed is fundamental reform to press standards.

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