Statement on the death of Max Mosley: "Max’s mission was to ensure that others would not suffer the same mistreatment as himself and his family"


Max Mosley, who was a leading campaigner for a free and accountable press over the last decade of his life, has died today.Commenting, a spokesperson for Hacked Off said,

Hacked Off extends its deepest condolences to the family of Max Mosley, who has died today.After a long career promoting motor sport and general motoring safety, Max devoted the last thirteen years of his life to campaigning for reforms to the regulation of the press after he was targeted by libellous coverage in the News of the World. This coverage was believed by Max to have been a factor in the suicide of his son Alexander, in whose memory Max later established a Trust which has supported ethics and accountability in the press.Newspapers attacked him on the basis of his father’s far right political views, which Max himself had disowned long ago. He campaigned for the system of independent press regulation recommended by Lord Justice Leveson, which would have done much to counter the discrimination faced by minority communities in national newspapers every day.Max’s mission was to ensure that others would not suffer the same mistreatment as himself and his family, and that mechanisms would exist to provide access to justice which was otherwise reserved for the wealthy. Although this made him a target of intense press and political attacks, his commitment to reform on behalf of others remained undimmed.It is thanks to his courage and generosity that the movement for a more ethical press remains so effective today.


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