Our response to the High Court judgment against the Mirror over phone-hacking


Responding to the High Court ruling this morning which rejected Mirror Group Newspapers' attempt to throw out cases of alleged phone hacking, Dr Evan Harris, Associate Director of Hacked Off said:"The Mirror Group, like News International, have always denied wrongdoing, but this judgement clearly demonstrates that there is a case to answer."Shareholders will now be extremely worried given that the fall-out from the phone-hacking scandal has so far cost News International more than the entire value of Trinity Mirror."The non-executive directors of Trinity Mirror must now get a grip on what has been going on at these newspapers, because the management figures who have always denied that the Mirror was involved in phone hacking are the same people leading the campaign to reject the reform proposals of Lord Justice Leveson."They are ignoring the recommendations of a senior independent judge, the views of their readers, our democratically elected parliament and the vast bulk of public opinion."Please see this link for a copy of the Approved Judgement - Gulati ors v MGN 6 11 13 _2_ public version

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