Press Justice Project launches in the House of Lords


By Nathan Sparkes

On November 28th, in a packed room at the House of Lords, The Press Justice Project had its launch party.The Project, founded and Chaired by Stephen Kinsella OBE, will advise members of the public affected by press abuse and guide them through the complaints-handling processes which exist.It will also educate the next generation of journalists about press standards with guest lectures at universities, raise awareness among the public and civil society about press standards, and campaign on behalf of individuals affected by press wrongdoing for a more accountable press.Some of these activities had previously been carried out by Hacked Off, but in future will be taken on by the Project – while Hacked Off continues to focus on campaigning and legislative change as before.The launch party was hosted by Lord Lipsey, an award-winning journalist and senior Member of the House of Lords, who spoke about the importance of having a more responsible press.Chairperson Stephen also gave a few words, explaining why the Charity was formed and what work it will undertake.The other speaker was Danielle Bennett, a beautician whose business was destroyed by false allegations in the Daily Mail. After fighting for years with the newspaper, she eventually won an apology and settlement.Before she was vindicated, the impact of the Mail’s libel took a terrible toll on her life; deeply affecting her mental health and personal life.She now sits on the Board of the Project, so that she can help other people affected by press wrongdoing.Danielle and Stephen will be joined on the Board by retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies, who was affected by false and libellous allegations that he murdered his tenant, business-owner John Shepherd who was targeted in The Times, and Professor Christopher Frost, a journalist, journalism educator, and the Chair of the NUJ Ethics Council.

To learn more and keep up to date with the work of The Project, you can sign up to its mailing list here, and follow on Facebook, LinkedIn or X.

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