Sir Chris Bryant MP to receive knighthood after campaigning on press standards


Sir Chris Bryant, Member of Parliament for the Rhondda, long-term campaigner for higher standards in the press and this year's speaker at the Hacked Off Leveson Lecture, is to receive a knighthood.In addition to his work on press standards Chris has also campaigned in a number of other areas, which include support for those affected by brain injuries as well as his activism on melanoma.Commenting, Sir Chris said,

I’m amazed. Many others who work on standards in public life including the press deserve this far more than I do but it will definitely spur me on in my endeavours.

Hacked Off Chief Executive Nathan Sparkes added,

It takes extraordinary courage for politicians to stand up to the press, which consistently seeks to use its power and influence to enhance the careers of its allies in Parliament and damage those of its opponents.Parliamentarians with Chris' willingness to campaign for media policy which is in the interests of the public, and not only the handful of people who own newspaper companies, are few and far between. The British public are fortunate to have an ally in public life of his calibre.

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