Prince Harry claim expected to allege hacking of Princess Diana, as Byline report Piers Morgan and Rebekah Brooks likely to be named in Prince’s litigation


The Byline Investigates team has followed-up yesterday’s exclusive report that Prince Harry is to bring a legal claim for phone hacking against the Sun and Mirror publishers, with a further exclusive today reporting that:

  • The Prince’s claim is expected to raise the question of whether the late Princess Diana’s mobile phone was also hacked
  • Piers Morgan has been named in the litigation as an alleged conspirator in the illegal activity and cover up, which the claim will allege occurred at The Mirror group newspapers
  • Rebekah Brooks is likely to be named in relation to alleged similar activities at the News of the World and the Sun.

Hacked Off Policy Manager Nathan Sparkes said,

“Piers Morgan’s name has been mentioned repeatedly in phone hacking litigation over the last seven years. The Mirror Group has eventually been forced to admit that phone hacking was rife at the Daily Mirror during the time that Morgan was its editor. Mr Morgan has serious questions to answer about the illegal activity which occurred on his watch.“Only the Second Part of the Leveson Inquiry would be in a position to ask these questions of Mr Morgan and other senior newspaper executives. This was the public inquiry which was cancelled as part of a stitch up between the Government and newspaper executives 18 months ago.“The hacking of Princess Diana’s phone by tabloid newspapers would be consistent with the way in which these newspapers treated her during her life: as no more than a means to selling newspapers. The need to complete the Leveson Inquiry and to introduce his reforms to press regulation has never been clearer.”


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