Response to The Guardian: 'courts are now the only way to get to the truth'


Below is a letter sent by Hacked Off co-founder Brian Cathcart to The Guardian, in response to an opinion piece by Simon Jenkins.The Guardian appear to have refused to publish Mr Cathcart's response, so we will. Dear Editor,When Sir Simon Jenkins (Prince Harry has every right to take on the Daily Mail. But is phone hacking yesterday’s problem?, 30 March) makes light of deep-rooted problems in the press he fails to mention several things that might be of interest to your readers.Sir Simon has skin in this game. He notes that the 1990 Calcutt committee failed to ‘curb press behaviour’ but does not say he was a member of it and so might be thought to bear some responsibility for failure. Since then Sir Simon has helped design the appointments process for IPSO, the press ‘self-regulator’ which is also failing so conspicuously – possibly in part because appointees emerging from his process have included such figures such as Trevor Kavanagh of the Sun and Peter Wright of the Mail. IPSO’s current chair, remarkably, is a former Tory minister, while its chief executive used to be Sir Simon’s researcher.Sir Simon fails to explore what the claimants allege: not only voicemail hacking but also the blagging of medical records, the live-tapping of phones and the commissioning of break-ins to plant bugs – all denied by the Mail group but surely not matters your columnist (a former editor of the Times) can easily dismiss.He mentions that the cancellation of the second part of the Leveson Inquiry, which was to address press criminality, but fails to draw the obvious conclusion: that the courts are now the only way to get to the truth.Finally, while Sir Simon mocks the claimants against the Mail as a rag-bag of celebrities and nobodies engaging in a ‘grievance fest’, the one among them whom he fails to identify is Baroness Doreen Lawrence. If he considers the claimants so laughable, why does he not laugh at her too?Yours,Brian Cathcart,Co-Founder of Hacked Off

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