
Sara Payne's phone number found in Glenn Mulcaire's notes


Sara Payne, the mother of eight-year-old murder victim Sarah Payne, has been told by Operation Weeting officers that her phone may have been hacked by the News of the World.Ms Payne was told, on July 28, her details have been found in private investigator Glenn Mulcaire’s notes.The number linked to her name is alleged to have been given to her by former News International Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks, so Ms Payne could keep in touch with supporters of Sarah’s Law campaign, launched by the News of the World.Ms Payne, a supporter of the Hacked Off campaign, was said to be devastated at the news.Her charity, the Phoenix Chief Advocates, released a statement from Ms Payne which read: “I am, as you can image, very distressed and upset by the news that my details have been found on Mulcaire’s list and would like to thank everyone for their kind words of support.“I can confirm reports that I was given a phone by the campaign team and that my voicemail was only activated after my first aneurysm.“Notwithstanding the bad apples involved here, my faith remains solidly behind all the good people who have supported me over the last eleven years, I will never lose my faith in them.“My way would be to challenge the bad apples head on, learn from the facts of the matter and be proactive part of stopping this from happening again.“I’m away with my children and family at the moment, for their sake and for the sake of the on-going investigation, I can make no further comment at this time.”Ms Brooks denied the phone was a personal gift to Ms Payne.She released a statement which read: “For the benefit of the campaign for Sarah’s Law, the News of the World have provided Sara with a mobile telephone for the last 11 years. It was not a personal gift. The idea that anyone on the newspaper knew that Sara or the campaign team were targeted by Mr Mulcaire is unthinkable."The idea of her being targeted is beyond my comprehension. It is imperative for Sara and the other victims of crime that these allegations are investigated and those culpable brought to justice.”Martin Moore, founder of Hacked Off and director of the Media Standards Trust, said: “This new revelation, which indicates breathtaking hypocrisy and a complete lack of moral sense, underlines the importance of full exposure of what was happening at the News of the World and a need for the judicial inquiry to start work on this aspect of their investigation as soon as possible.”

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