Sir Brian Leveson argues the "value of Leveson Part Two has substantially increased"


In an appearance on BBC Radio 4's World at One, Sir Brian Leveson was today critical of the lack of progress on implementing the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry Part One, and argued that the value of Part Two had "substantially increased".Sir Brian said,

"In 2018, I opposed the proposition that [Leveson] Part Two be abandoned."My view, for what it's worth, is that with the real importance of social media and the challenges to factual accuracy becoming the subject of even greater public focus, the value of Part Two appears to have been substantially increased...."I was disappointed that rather more wasn't done by way of my inquiry."

When the Government cancelled Leveson Part Two, the Minister appeared to claim, in the House of Commons, that Sir Brian Leveson agreed with them. It was later revealed that Sir Brian had opposed this decision, along with the majority of respondents to the Government's own consultation (the results of which the Government was also accused of misrepresenting).It is open to a future government to re-establish Leveson Part Two.

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