Statement on recent reports alleging Hacked Off's involvement in the claims against Mail publisher ANL


Hacked Off welcomes the fact that the Courts are now being asked to determine claims about unlawful information gathering by the Daily Mail. The claims by Baroness Lawrence, Sir Elton John, Prince Harry and others raise important issues in the public interest concerning the conduct of one of the most powerful newspaper groups in the country.These claimants and their legal team have been subjected to unfair and malicious attacks in certain sections of the press. Hacked Off strongly supports the claimants. journalists and whistleblowers who have sought for many years to hold the press accountable through the courts for its unlawful conduct. It takes courage and determination to confront a powerful industry that for decades has escaped proper scrutiny while apparently protecting a small minority of wrongdoers who have, in the words of the Leveson report, "wreaked havoc in the lives of innocent people".As part of these attacks on the claims brought against the Daily Mail, there have been a number of false claims about the activities of Hacked Off. It has been claimed that the Campaign has in some way been inappropriately involved in these claims. Although we strongly support the right of individuals to bring these claims, we have had no involvement whatever in the obtaining of evidence or preparation of the legal cases. We have had no dealings with the claimants, their lawyers or their witnesses, in respect of the content of or evidence for their claims. Despite the recent delaying tactics by the Daily Mail, we are confident that these claims will, in due course, be fairly and properly determined by the Courts.Hacked Off campaigns for a free and accountable press, and in particular for implementation of the Leveson recommendations for an effective and independent system of press regulation. We also provide pro bono advice and support to victims of press abuse, and raise awareness among the public on issues of press standards. We will not be deterred by false and malicious media attacks.

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