Sun newspaper accused in court docs of illegally targeting phones of teenage Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy


The Sun is currently facing multiple court allegations of phone hacking. Byline Investigates has revealed that court papers allege that while they were teenagers, the mobile phones of Prince Harry and his girlfriend of the time Chelsy Davy were targeted by The Sun newspaper.Hacked Off Policy Director Nathan Sparkes said,

“These allegations, that The Sun newspaper was illegally spying on the private phone messages shared between teenagers, threaten to humiliate the Government on the second anniversary since it cancelled the promised public inquiry into these matters. That a newspaper would illegally monitor the private conversations of teenage partners, Royal or otherwise, is a sickening allegation. Yet it stands among many allegations of seriously unethical and illegal behaviour which the Government continues to refuse to investigate through the public inquiry which was promised. Suggesting that press illegality had been largely dealt with through police investigations and Leveson Part One, the Government went along with the wishes of the largest newspaper publishers and cancelled Leveson Part Two in March 2018. “The Government must now abandon attempts to curry favour with newspaper publishers and stand up for Prince Harry, Ms Davy, and the thousands of people across the country who have been the victims of illegal or otherwise abusive press behaviour, by establishing Part Two of the Leveson Inquiry and implementing the recommendations of Part One without further delay.”

ENDSFor press enquiries contact: and 07554 665 940NOTESHacked Off is the campaign for a free and accountable press, and we work with the victims of press abuse to achieve those aims.

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