Sun publisher NGN suffers significant defeat in litigation brought by Prince Harry


Prince Harry’s lawsuit against the Sun publisher NGN, will proceed to a full trial in the High Court. It comes after Prince Harry accused the newspaper group of phone hacking and other unlawful activities, spanning decades. The High Court judge said he would allow the litigation against NGN to proceed on Prince Harry’s claims about unlawful intrusions - such as the alleged use of private investigators and blagging by the News of the World and The Sun.However, Prince Harry’s claims of actual voicemail interception and phone hacking at the Sun and the now-defunct News of the World will not be brought to trial.

Hacked Off CEO Nathan Sparkes said, "This is a significant defeat and strategic setback for NGN as much of Prince Harry's claim will proceed to full public civil trial - an outcome which News UK have been seeking to avoid for over a decade by paying off all claimants. They believe that Prince Harry will never settle out of court and they will now have to answer his allegations of Sun criminality, of lying under oath and of the deliberate destruction of evidence, all of which they have denied.

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