Press Release

The Corporate Lobbying Culture Hypocrisy Newspapers Refuse to Discuss


Hacked Off criticises press’ “staggering hypocrisy” over donations


Over the course of the last few weeks several newspapers have heavily criticised the Prime Minister and other Government figures for accepting donations and hospitality from donors.


There has been no admission of the fact that newspaper publishers themselves have, for years, offered excessive hospitality to politicians while remaining publicly silent about what they expect in return.


Hacked Off CEO Nathan Sparkes said,


For years News UK and other publishers have lavished politicians with dinners, drinks and hospitality at private events.


“They have shown staggering hypocrisy in criticising other donors now.


At least when party-political donors hand out freebies we know what they want: the electoral success of their favoured party.  Newspaper publishers, on the other hand, are far less forthcoming about the political advantage they hope to receive in return.


“These same newspapers lobbied to suppress Leveson Part Two, the public inquiry into press and political corruption.  They throw allegations of corruption at everyone but themselves.”


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