Victims of phone hacking scandal to meet Deputy Prime Minister


The family of murder victim Milly Dowler whose mobile was hacked, ex-Met police commander Brian Paddick, and phone hacking victim Nicola Phillips and members of the Hacked Off campaign team, are meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to press for stronger, clearer, and faster action for the proposed inquiry into phone hacking.The meeting was requested by Hacked Off - a Campaign Group of victims of phone hacking and supportive lawyers, journalists and politicians.The meeting, on Monday, July 11, at 9am, in the Cabinet Office, follows a statement by the Prime Minister Friday announcing two inquiries following the News of the World hacking revelations, in addition to the ongoing criminal investigation by the police.Sally Dowler, attending with the family's lawyer Mark Lewis, said: “I am pleased that Mr Clegg has agreed to meet us at such short notice. We just want all the party leaders to listen to what those of us who have experienced this scandal first-hand have to say.”Brian Paddick said: “We will say to Nick Clegg that these enquiries must be thorough and they must be started without delay, the public will expect nothing less.”Martin Moore, Director of the Media Standards Trust, which is co-ordinating the Hacked Off campaign, said: “The government needs to take immediate steps to set up a full public inquiry, under the Inquiries Act of 2005, with terms of reference wide enough to include not just the press and police, but politicians as well.”Mark Lewis, a solicitor who represents several of the victims of hacking, said: “Successive Governments have so far failed on this issue and so politicians need to listen to the victims of the phone-hacking scandal before deciding their course of action among themselves.”

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