Victims of press abuse write to party leaders ahead of manifesto launches


Hacked Off Patron Christopher Jefferies and other victims of press abuse have written to party leaders seeking assurances that promises made to implement the Leveson system will be honoured.The victims who have written have called for parties to commit to completing the Leveson Inquiry, implementing the agreed system of independent self-regulation, and restoring access to justice for the victims of press illegality.The full letter and list of signatories:We have been betrayed and let down by the actions of governments over the last four years who have failed to address the absence of independent regulation of the press across the UK and failed to complete the Leveson Inquiry.Ministers have preferred to maintain their cosy relationships with press editors and executives rather than to keep their promises to press victims and to the public to implement Leveson’s system of independent regulation, and complete his Inquiry.The result has been that thousands of ordinary people up and down the country who have been affected by newspaper abuses and, in the absence of an independent regulator, have been left with nowhere to turn. Those of us affected by newspaper criminality and corruption have been denied justice.We urge you to end press abuse, and commit in your party manifesto to:

  • Introduce Leveson’s recommended system of independent regulation for all national newspapers
  • Commit to allowing the Inquiry to finish its work as Sir Brian called for
  • Restore access to justice for ordinary people suing national newspapers for libel or intrusion[i]

We hope you will have the courage to stand up for the public against this powerful industry, where recent Prime Ministers have not.Yours sincerely,Christopher JefferiesVictim of libels and other press abuses after being wrongly accused of the murder of Joanna Yeates.Tricia BernalMother of Clare Bernal, who was murdered by a stalker. Subjected to press intrusions, abuses and phone hacking.Alastair MorganCampaigner for Justice for Daniel Morgan; brother of Daniel.Gerry and Kate McCannVictims of press intrusion and libel, Leveson witnesses.Figen Murray Mother of Martyn Hett who lost his life in the Manchester Arena attack. Harassed by journalists.Danielle HindleyBusinesswoman and mother smeared in the Mail on Sunday; IPSO failed her.Maire Messenger-Davies and John DaviesFriends of 7/7 victim; victims of hacking.Jacqui HamesFormer Crimewatch presenter, victim of hacking & surveillance, intrusion & defamation.Juliet ShawSmeared by the Daily Mail who told her she could not afford to sue.John Tulloch 7/7 survivor, who was a victim of hacking and press misuse of image.Emily BrothersVictim of press abuse and then victimisation; IPSO failed her.Jane WinterNorthern Ireland human rights campaigner, victim of computer hacking.Paul DadgeOn the scene of 7/7 attack to assist victims; victim of phone hacking.Further signatories have chosen to remain anonymous.[i] A key element of Conditional Fee Arrangements for media cases (the recoverability of success fees) was ended by the Government in April 2019. Viable CFAs are essential to protecting access to justice for the victims of press illegality.

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